Learn English – the origin of the phrase “guts for garters”


Where does the phrase "guts for garters" come from?


I'd better stop mucking around on the Internet or my boss'll have
my guts for garters.

Someone having your guts for garters means you are in big trouble with them. Metaphorically to the extent that they will disembowel you and use your intestines to hold up their stockings.

phrases.org.uk says

A printed reference to 'guts for garters' appears in Robert Greene's The Scottish Historie of James the Fourth, circa 1592:

 Ile make garters of thy guttes, Thou villaine.

Google n-gram viewer shows a peak in usage around 1850 and rising usage from 1960 to the present day, but I would like a definitive source if possible.

Best Answer

The expression to have someone's guts for garters is very old, "and it may well have had a literal meaning as it originated in the Middle Ages, when disembowelment was used in the UK for torture and execution" as suggested by the Phrase Finder. Probably, as suggested by the World Wide Words, the use of alliteration and the use of similar phrases helped the saying become more popular in recent decades

  • The oldest example I can track down is from The Bride of Lammermoor, by Sir Walter Scott, published in 1819: “He that would not pledge me, I would make his guts garter his stockings”.
  • But, according to Paul Beale’s update of Eric Partridge’s A Dictionary of Catch Phrases, it has been around in various forms since the eighteenth century, was at one time Cockney low slang or the cant of racecourse toughs, and was a common reprimand or threat by NCOs in the services during World War Two and afterwards. As that book notes, it has since risen somewhat in the social scale to become a macho phrase among some middle managers.
  • When it first came into use two hundred years ago, it must have been a serious warning, implying disembowelling, but in modern times it is merely figurative, implying that one will take some unspecified action in reprisal for unacceptable behaviour. The persistence of the expression surely owes a lot to the alliteration of guts and garters, but also to the existence of similar phrases such as to hate somebody’s guts. The fact that modern British men rarely wear garters, and that when they do they tend to call them sock suspenders, has not affected the popularity of the phrase!