Learn English – the origin of the term “cone of shame”


What is the first known use of the term "cone of shame"?

This refers to the plastic cone affixed around dog's necks when they have had a procedure or medical condition.

Wikipedia fails to shed any light and limits itself to saying

Also known as an Elizabethan collar, E-Collar, Buster collar or pet cone, (sometimes humorously called a pet lamp-shade, pet radar dish, dog-saver, or cone of shame)

sad looking Rough Collie wearing an E-collar

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Best Answer

I found a reference that predates the Up movie by a good eight years, although I'm sure there must be older usages out there somewhere.

In a 2001 Usenet post to the alt.fashion newsgroup, user Michele317 says:

on a fashion note, he's refusing to wear what the vet calls an 'elizabethan collar' and what i call 'the cone of shame': that plastic lampshade thing. i took him to the vet yesterday and found out his runny eye was due to a tiny scratch in his cornea. i decorated the cone with stickers, and removed the gauze tie and replaced it with a jaunty ribbon, but all to no avail. and a massive thanks to everyone who told me dog accessory websites... so much cute stuff out there!

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