Learn English – The relation of a person you share a half-sibling with


My parents, Bianca and Ivan, are currently married and have always been since I was born.

Bianca had a previous relationship with Henry with whom she had a son named John, thus John and I are half-brothers. John has two other half-brothers named David and Santiago, they all share the same father but I do not have any parents in common them.

Ivan (my birth-father) had a previous relationship with Alicia and they have two sons named Frank and Ernst, so Frank and Ernst are my half-brothers. Ivan also had a relationship with Katy and they have a daughter named Pamela, so Pamela and I are half-siblings. Pamela also has a half-sister named Merari because they have the same birth-mother.

Merari, Santiago, and David and I are not blood-related, but they share the same half-siblings with me.

Is there a name for this relationship? I’m just curious.

Best Answer


Paraphrasing Dictionary.com:

The son (/daughter) of one's stepparent who is not the son (/daughter) of either of one's biological parents. The stepson (/daughter) of one's parent who is not one's half-brother (/sister).

This is used when parents with existing children remarry, even if no "bridge" half-sibling comes along later; and there's no point in making up another term.