Learn English – the stylistic device used in this poem


I am not sure if there is a kind of stylistic device in below poem sentence.

The king’s horses are purebloods, his barns cut stone; roans, blacks, dapples, bays; the granite reds, greys, blues.

If I understand correctly, the "normal" sequence should be:

The king’s horses are purebloods, roans, blacks, dapples, bays; his barns cut stone, the granite reds, greys, blues.

Is there a name/term for this in poetry?

Best Answer

It may be "synchysis". The sources do not entirely agree. Wikipedia and ChangingMindes both give a definition (unreferenced, unfortunately) which is exactly what you are asking, but rhetoric.byu has a more general definition.

(I've never come across the word before, so thanks for asking!)

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