Learn English – the term for “cousin of a cousin”


My mother’s sister’s son is my cousin; let’s call him “John”.

John’s father’s brother’s son — let’s call him Mark — is John’s cousin.

Now, Mark isn’t my direct cousin as we don't share any immediate ancestors. What kind of relationship do I have with Mark? I think this too is some sort of cousin.

I always thought this was second cousin, but it turns out, I have blood relation to a second cousin through great grandparents.

So, what is term for my relationship with Mark?

Best Answer

There isn't any family relationship between you and Mark, except

  • the cousin of your cousin is yourself or your sibling
  • the cousin of your cousin is also your cousin if his mother is the sister of your father
  • the cousin of your cousin is your second cousin if his parents and your parents are cousins (third cousin if the parents are second cousins, and so on)

A term what many people use is grand-cousin. But that's wrong, though it is used ambiguous in colloquial, at least in my mother-tongue. But think of that:

  • Your grandparents are the parents of your parent
  • Your grandaunt/granduncle is the the aunt/uncle of your parent

This leads to

  • Your grand-cousin is the cousin of your parent.

If no blood relation exists there are only few ways how a non-related person can be your cousin: E.g. the person is your step-cousin. But this doesn't work here, because:

Step-cousins are either stepchildren of an individual's aunt or uncle, children of one's step-aunt or uncle, or half-siblings of one's cousin. (WIKIPEDIA)

On the WP page you find a lot of family combinations and what they are called (e.g. Cousin-in-law: spouse of an individual's cousin), but I didn't find the relationship you mention. (Correct me, if I overlooked it)

Conclusion: I would call him cousin of cousin.

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