Learn English – the term to describe a person who answers a question with irritability


I am looking for a very particular expression (I believe it is a two word expression/description or, perhaps, what is known as a "coined phrase") that describes a person who responds to a question with irritability/curtness. This is an unfortunate and lamentable case of hearing an expression/description/definition, dedicating it to memory (after all, it IS witty, clever, and a PERFECT description) with grand plans to employ it whenever possible).

My agony regarding said expression began just yesterday after hearing it during "Wait Wait…Don't Tell Me!" – the wildly popular broadcast on NPR.
I have searched Google, dictionary.com, Wikipedia and, of course, inquired of others, none of which has resulted in the answer. I appreciate any advice/ideas!!! Thank you!

Best Answer

"As usual Mr Corncobb answered our query very acerbically!

acerbic [vocab.com][1}

harsh or corrosive in tone