Learn English – “the wedding” versus “a wedding”


If I want to talk to my coworkers about my wedding do I say "I had a wedding last month" or do i say "I had the wedding last month"?

Since it is the only wedding I shall ever have, and it is the very important to me, I think I should say "the wedding". "The wedding" just doesn't sound right to me, though I think it is more appropriate because if i say "a wedding", it removes emphasis on how important it was.

Which would be correct in the given context? "I had a wedding last month" or "I had the wedding last month".

Best Answer

"I had a wedding last month" is not idiomatic. It does not sound as though you were the one who got married. It suggests you are a cleric, a wedding photographer or somehow officiated at the ceremony.

We say:

"I got married last month."

"My wedding was last month." is not the way you would let people know about your marriage. It would be used as additional information, e.g.

"I'm newly married. The wedding was last month."