Learn English – the word for something that has been covered in a lot of sources


I'm looking for a word or phrase that describes when a topic has been subject to a preponderance of in-depth coverage, similar to "well-trodden" but more fitting. I'd like to avoid any kind of moralizing language like "trite" or "notable/important" in terms of how it's been covered—at most, it would be acceptable to say that the subject has been adequately covered—but I'd like the connotation to be just that it has been covered in a lot of sources.

Sample sentences:

We can say that issue of the tampon tax is [well-covered] now that
dozens of journalists have written about it.

I can write her biography now that her life has been [well-covered in sources].

Best Answer

Well-documented may fit in the context:

  • based on or supported with a lot of written evidence.

MacMillan Dictionary