Learn English – Third alternative to “between” and “among?”


I want to express possibilities on a scale while providing 3 common examples.


If I say "Houses in this neighbourhood vary among blue, orange and red," this means it can be any of the three, but not values in between.

If I say "Houses in this neighbourhood vary between blue, orange and red," this is incorrect because between should be used only for two items.

Is there another word that can be used to represent variance across the entire scale while allowing me to provide three concrete examples, or must I say something like "Houses in this neigbourhood vary in colour; most are blue, orange or red?"


Of course, now that I've asked the question, this option occurs to me: "Houses in this neighbourhood vary from blue to orange to red." Is that clear?

Best Answer

This is a good place to use the lovely word gamut.

Houses in this neighbourhood run the gamut of colours from blue to orange to red.

As gamut means 'the whole scale or range' of a thing, you automatically include everything in between.

EDIT: To answer your edit, no, that just makes it sound like they vary between those three colours. You could say:

"Houses in this neighbourhood vary from blue to orange to red and everything in between."

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