Learn English – “Time zone” vs. “Timezone”


My spell checker shows that both "time zone" and "timezone" are correctly spelled. Which one of these is the correct one to use?

Best Answer

There seem to be three spellings: timezone, time-zone, and time zone.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines time-zone,[^1] but curiously, also uses the time zone spelling.[^2] At the same time, timezone is the favored spelling in the US (unless talking about multiple time zones).[^3]

All three seem to be equally correct, but I would use time zone, except for a singular usage in the US for an American audience, in which case I would use timezone. Personally, I feel time-zone is a bit outdated.

[^1]: See time, def. 60a [^2]: Ibid. 27a [^3]: See http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/timezone