Learn English – Timeline of semantic change of the term “social justice warrior” (SJW)


We have a question about the origin of "SJW". I'm interested in how its usage has changed over time. As a rough outline:

  • It seems to have started out as a nonce-term of praise.
  • Then, it took on a pejorative connotation towards a particular kind of far-left person active mostly on Tumblr, whose opinions are characterized by

    • belief in otherkin, multiple systems (i.e., people who are more than one person), and fictionkin,
    • endorsement of novel gender identities such as "demiboy", and
    • an intense hostility towards white people, cisgender males, and heterosexuals, to the point of calling for violence against them (an associated slogan is "die cis scum").

    The subreddit /r/TumblrInAction was created to mock this kind of SJW on Tumblr.

  • Its usage then began to generalize as a term of disparagement for any person with a non-right-wing opinion on social issues, such as Hillary Clinton. Simultaneously, /r/TumblrInAction has moved politically from the left or the center to the right and now mocks things like people complaining that women are paid less than men.

Can anyone point to when each of these changes happened?

Best Answer

Regarding the broadening of the term (from bullet point 2 to 3 in your question), I would say this was a result of gamergaters picking up and hugely popularising the term and this can be shown through comparing usage of "social justice warrior" with the timeline of the GamerGate controversy.

As you will have read in the wikipedia article, what became known as the GamerGate controversy began before the hashtag was coined, when Zöe Quinn released her game, Depression quest, in February 2013. But it was at the end of August 2014, when the #GamerGate hashtag was coined, that the movement essentially "went viral".

Trending of the Google search term "social justice warrior" begins to steadily rise in March 2013, and then there is a distinct sharp jump in August 2014. It continues to increase after that but jaggedly. By comparison searches for "#gamergate" instantaneously jump from nothing in August/September 2014 and then peter out quite quickly - suggesting the broadly pejorative term "social justice warrior" had taken on a life of its own even as #GamerGate was dying down.

Links to Google Trends: social justice warrior #gamergate

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