Learn English – Tower of Babel, what is the meaning of the following verse


What is the meaning of the following verse from Bernie Taupin's Tower of Babel as sung by Elton John on the album Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy?

Those hungry hunters
Tracking down the hours

I cannot come up with anything except for a reference to the Book of Hours, which would make some sense to me. Obviously, the lyrics deal with drug usage, and "hungry hunters" could be the police, "tracking down the hours" could then mean chasing after them.

Help from a native English speaker would be really useful here.

The lyrics can be found on Bernie Taupin's website here.

Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

Since you're on English Language & Usage, I'll answer strictly from a literal English grammar POV.

"Those hungry hunters" - referring to people who act like or appear to be predators, looking for their next meal

"Tracking down the hours" - to "track down" is to search methodically, especially to examine tracks on the ground or other evidence of someone's having passed a certain way. To track down "the hours" means their searching for "hours" which doesn't make much literal sense, so this must be a more figurative or poetical sense.

Maybe the "hours" is just referring to time passing, maybe they look like predators who are chasing nothing - wasting time perhaps?

As to the "real meaning", that's an interpretation question that is open to debate. There's a fair amount of Biblical imagery in the lyrics which would take someone with a better literary sense than I have to deconstruct.

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