Learn English – Two questions with “or”


Which of these is correct?

Shall we paint the room red, or do you want to consider more colors?


Shall we paint the room red? Or do you want to consider more colors?

I tend to think that both of these are correct, and I would usually prefer the latter. But I'm wondering if there are any reasons why one is better than the other, if one of them is grammatically wrong, or if one of them is objectively preferrable.

Best Answer

The former would be preferred for more serious works of literature. Starting a sentence with or is very informal and not something you should do in an essay or a professional context.

The latter is a good example of something you would say, but not write. That being said, it is also a rule that is commonly broken and therefore accepted to be correct as well.

So, both are good! Just beware of context.

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