Learn English – Usage of ‘Thank God’ or ‘Jesus Christ’ as slang


Would the use of 'Thank God' or 'Jesus Christ' in a non-religious context be considered colloquial?

Example: "Thank God that's over"

The definition of colloquial I found was: used in ordinary or familiar conversation; not formal or literary.

I just want to be sure, thank you.

Best Answer

Yes, the expressions are often used colloquially as interjections:

Thank God (godness or heavens)

  • are set phrases used as an expression of relief:

    • thank God no one was badly injured

    • the station survived just fine, thank heavens.


  • These ejaculations originally expressed gratitude to divine providence but today tend to be used in a more casual way. [c. 1200]


Jesus Christ is also used colloquially as an interjection , but its usage may sound offensive as suggested by the following source:

  • used for expressing surprise or anger. This use of the name Jesus Christ is offensive to many Christians.'

(MacMillan Dictionary)