Learn English – Usage of “until after” vs. “until” vs. “till after” vs. “till”


India was a British colony. Britishers wrote several laws for India. One such law was the Registration Act, 1908. Section 25(1) of the Act says: If, owing to urgent necessity or unavoidable accident, any document executed, or copy of a decree or order made, in India is not presented for registration till after the expiration of the time hereinbefore prescribed in that behalf, the Registrar …".

I find the usage of "till after" weird. Also, in some other contexts, I have found "until after" being used. I am not sure how "till after" is different from "till" ? Or, how "until after" is different from "until"? Can anyone shed some light?

Best Answer

Here, until would mean the registration happens at the end of specified time period, possibly sometime after. Until after put more emphasis on the fact that the registration could happen anytime after the end of the period. Very similar meanings, but slightly different. Compare:

I'll be here until 8pm. (I'm leaving at 8pm)

I'll be here until after 8pm. (I'm leaving at some unspecified time after 8pm)

Till, or 'til, are just shortened, less formal versions of until. Till is generally the preferred form of the two.

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