Learn English – Use and Meaning of ‘to be the last one’


I saw a friend's (A) picture on a social network. And a friend (B) of hers commented on it. Apparently (B) was having her finals exams , so (A) remarked "you should be the last person to comment on my picture, log out and study". My question , this expression" to be the last one" , is it correctly used here? And it means that she should rather be studying. Am I right?

Best Answer

Normally, this usage of last is admonitory and perhaps critical. It's used to set someone down who may be reaching above or beyond what may be deemed appropriate or proper.

For example, if an overweight person criticized someone's eating of a second helping of pie, that person might say

You're the last person who should be telling me how to eat.

In other words, because of the person's own weight, he may be unqualified to pronounce judgment on others.

Lack of qualification and hypocrisy are the two most likely conditions to elicit that response. Consider:

Priests are the last people who should advise married couples about their problems. [Priests are forbidden to marry]

Politicians are the last people who should scream about corruption. [Politicians are largely seen as participating in corruption.]