Learn English – use “and” more than once in this case


Take a selfie that changes with your feelings based on your biometric input and social media and other real-time data in you region.

"Social media" and "real-time data" is apart of your region– "biometric input" is not.

The alternative is,

Take a selfie that changes with your feelings based on your biometric input, social media trends and other real-time data in you region.

But I feel like this way it reads as social media trends isn't apart of "in your region". Am I wrong?

Best Answer

Using "and" more than once in the same list sounds awkward. Use the commas.

That's not to say that you can't use "and" more than once in the same sentence, as long as it's joining different "kinds of things". Like, "I gave the green box to Bob and Sally, the red box to Fred, and the yellow box to Janet." I use "and" to join Bob with Sally and also to join what I did with the three boxes, but it's in different contexts, so that's okay.