Learn English – Use and position of the adverb “instead” when introducing the second of two items


Is the use of the adverb instead appropriate, and correct, in the last of the following three sentences?

The top half of the figure shows the service provided by the system in
a first, generic scenario. It is easy to see that the system …. The
bottom half of the figure shows instead the service provided by the
system in a second, more complex scenario.

If the adverb instead is appropriate in the last sentence, must/should it however be moved elsewhere, or must the sentence be changed in some other way?

If it is not correct to use instead in that sentence, what would be the best ways to introduce the second item in the above example?


Best Answer

'Instead' is properly placed. It gives such a sense as can be had from this sentence:

"She drank cofee but I took tea instead."

But, truly speaking, 'instead' is used more in the place of something mentioned earlier as___I was going to go shopping but I went dancing instead. This is why Dan,for his squeamishness, is not ready to use it at all.

If, by any standard, I am asked to give the sentence a rendering, "INSTEAD" would be removed and the sentence will begin with 'whereas' or 'whilst on the contrary' or something more befitting.