Learn English – use “any” with singular noun in formal English


As far I as I remember, "any" and "some" are used with plural nouns or uncountable ones. I know about exceptions for "some" (Wow, some car).
But can I say the following and be grammatical:

Is there any other problem?

or should be better this:

Is there another problem?

Best Answer


  • any person
  • any house
  • any child

are all valid.

By the way, your title would be more idiomatic if you said "Can I use any with [a|any] singularnoun in formal English?" Any in this case would connote a broader application ("Any singular noun at all?") than a ("Are there some singular nouns I can use it with?").

I concur with @Mari-Lou A that "Is there any other problem?" sounds non-idiomatic. More usual alternatives might be:

  • "Is there anything else I can help you with?"
  • "Have I satisfactorily answered your query?"
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