Learn English – Use of full stop after closing inverted comma, when the sentence enclosed with inverted commas has a full stop at the end

commaspunctuationquotation marks

Suppose I am writing a sentence. The sentence has a sentence in inverted commas. After the closing inverted comma appears, the main sentence also ends. As the main sentence ends, there will a full stop at the end. In this case, there will be three punctuation marks in a row: first, there will be a full stop marking end of quoted sentence; second, there will be a closing inverted comma marking close of the quotation; lastly, there will be a full stop marking end of the main sentence. Take an example: The judgment says "John is guilty.".

To me, this use of full stops is logical; we cannot do away with any of the full stops in the above example.

Am I correct?

Best Answer

In your example sentence, there is no need of the last full stop.

The judgement says, "John is guilty."

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