Learn English – Use of ‘in pair’ or ‘in group’ in a sentence


I am really confused about this case now since I can't find a satisfying answer with Google. It is a minor case, but still, I want to understand it better. Please tell me which of the following are the correct ones:

  1. Fadli and Sandy always work in pairs/in pair/in a pair?
  2. Rahmi and Eza investigated the case in groups/in group/in a group

*note: both pair and group are singular in those contexts.

Best Answer

We usually use the phrase 'in pairs' and 'in groups' to state the type of activity. For example: The teacher asked them to work in pairs/ in groups (of three, of four, etc).

What you want to say might be "Fadli and Sandy did their pair work." or "Fadli always does his school work with Sandy"