Word Choice – Use of ‘Omittance’ vs ‘Omission’


In writing a paper in a Microsoft Word Document I wrote "omittance," which prompted an edit remark from the program telling me that I spelled the word incorrectly. I don't know why I felt like writing omittance when I know that the proper word is omission, but there it was on the page. And honestly the word looked like it should be a word considering I wanted to use omission in a future tense. In Google searching I found the use of omittance in the unabridged Merriam Webster dictionary; however I hesitate to accept anything from them. So I ask the experts here, is omittance ever an acceptable tense of omission or should I omit its use forevermore?

Best Answer

According to Merriam Webster, omittance is an obsolete form of omission. The graph shown in Collins supports this:

enter image description here

And while the entry in OLED does not include such qualification, it's worth noting that it's omitted entirely from NOAD.