Learn English – Use of that and to the point that


Am I using the that-clause in this sentence properly?

"Watching just the first episode of the anime will surely get you hooked that you would want to marathon the whole series in a day."

Or should I add to the point as in "will surely get you hooked to the point that you would want to marathon the whole series in a day"?

Best Answer

You need to add 'so' to your example sentence for it to make sense: -

"Watching just the first episode of the anime will surely get you so hooked that you would want to marathon the whole series in a day."

Your are using 'that' as a conjunction here, see this example (part 2.b): -

She was so exhausted that she couldn’t think straight.

The verb marathon does work, although it is very rarely used, so some readers will find it a little unusual (which isn't necessarily bad in itself, but just something to be aware of).

Regarding the second part of your question "should I add to the point", I would recommend against that structure, it reads rather cumbersome compared to what you originally had which is more succinct, you just need to add 'so' as discussed above, before hooked, for it to make sense.

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