Learn English – Using ‘own’ in passive voice and causative sentences


Is it correct to use own in causative and passive voice sentences? For example,

I had my own house built by a local builder.

I didn't have my own eyes tested.

His own hair was dyed by a friend.

Best Answer

Yes, it is correct, if you are going for the particular emphasis that the use provides. All three statements seem emphatic, and may even need an excalamation point at the end. The word own makes the statements sound either confrontational or defensive.

In all three examples, if I were to read them aloud, I would put stress on the word own.

I had my own house built by a local builder.

Consider the following dialog:

Sally: I don't know if I should go with House Depot or Bill the Builder?

Harry: Well, I had my own house built by a local builder.

There the word own cannot be ommitted while maintaining the tone. If you just specify emphasis by italicizing my, the meaning becomes a bit more ambiguous and changes from confrontational / defensive to possibly haughty.


Sally: I don't know if I should go with House Depot or Bill the Builder?

Harry: Well, I had my house built by a local builder.

To me, in the first example, Harry sounds a bit more helpful, whereas in the second, Harry sounds a bit more haughty.

Similar examples can be constructed for other two phrases.

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