Learn English – Using quotes around a nickname that’s in the possessive

possessivesquotation marks

I wanted to send a reading list to my dad about the state of the economy. One such commentator is known by the nickname "Dr. Doom". I went to write:

  • "Dr. Doom's" view is … but that didn't look right because his name is Dr. Doom, not Dr. Doom's, so I tried
  • "Dr. Doom"'s view is … but that looked pretty terrible because I have three apostrophes in a row making it look like some crazy emoticon or something.

This might not have a solution. My question is how to correctly use "double quotes" around "nouns" that are in the "possessive form"?

Best Answer

The better question is, why are you putting the nickname in quotes at all? It is appropriate to do so the first time that you introduce a nickname, but subsequent uses do not require the quotes, and it clutters the story to use them every time. Do something like this:

An unknown economist writing as "Dr. Doom" has chimed in. Dr. Doom's view is that...

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