Learn English – Verb form for the word “ubiquitous or widespread”


the sentence I am trying to create is used everywhere in this report I am trying to proofread and semantically goes like this: "Increasing the use of internet" or "making infrastructure establishment widespread across the nation"
I am looking for a verb more practical than "making sth. widespread" or a proper verb version of "ubiquitous"
I have used "spreading" but it just does not sound correct to my ear.

I'd be glad to get some answers. Thank you.

Best Answer

Based on the examples you have provided (and I am under the impression that you have several sentences where you would need an array of such words to avoid redundancy), I would suggest:

- disseminate
: spread (something, especially information) widely.

- universalize
: bring into universal use; make available for all.

- promulgate
: Promote or make widely known (an idea or cause)

- popularize
: Cause (something) to become generally liked.

- propagate
: Spread and promote (an idea, theory, etc.) widely.

- disperse
: Distribute or spread over a wide area
Example: disperse the news (archaic)

Definitions taken from Oxford Dictionary.

You have not provided many sentences, hence choosing an appropriate word among the aforementioned ones highly depends on the sentence in question (and of course the context). So make sure you double-check the definitions in at least one more dictionary (e.g. Webster).