Learn English – Verb or phrase for “to make an onomatopoeia”


In the event that a common, recognized, and understood onomatopoeia for a sound does not already exist, how would you phrase the creation of an onomatopoeia for the sound?

Essentially the word onomatopoeize would fit the bill, but I can't find that in a dictionary.

You can see examples of onomatopoeize being used online if you Google it, but as of today there are only 75 hits for that word. This leads me to believe that other people have also struggled to find a verb for this and have "created" onomatopoeize as it is easy to deduce what the intent of the term is even though it isn't a "real" word.

An example of this is on Consumerist's article "Coca-Cola Blāk Effervescent Coffee Crap Debut":

The macron over Blāk was specially designed by Coca-Cola scientists to help onomatopoeize the sound you’ll make after drinking the concoction.

Is there a proper, non-colloquial English word for this concept?

Best Answer

If you need it, use onomatopoeize. The suffix -ize is a productive suffix in English. People neologize words for their needs and they are not always in dictionaries. As for the phrase, you already found one: to make an onomatopoeia.