Learn English – Verb that goes with ‘A case study has been…’


I am submitting an abstract to a conference today, and I need to lose 1 word to stay under the 200 word limit. I'm trying to shorten this sentence, by replacing 'carried out' with something different.

A case study has been carried out successfully.

So far I have come up with 'performed', 'conducted', 'executed', but I am not sure whether this is entirely correct. I am not entirely sure if you can conduct or perform a case study. You conduct research, but not a case study, right? Anyway, I've read it here and there but it does not look perfect to me, and even if it is right, is it common to say you have conducted or performed something successfully? Same goes for executed, which I think does not sound very scientific or at least is not often used in this context.

Because it is such a short summary I'd like to hit the nail on the head and not make any grammatical mistakes or mistakes in the exact meaning of words.

Best Answer

"Conducted" was the first thing that came to my mind when I've read the beginning of your sentence. I think it could be used without a problem.

I think that you could remove "succesfully" from your sentence. An unsuccessful study wouldn't be in the abstract.