Learn English – we don’t ride same day


A friend from the USA says that we don't ride same day, we saddle. Does he mean we have a time difference? I know the meaning of ride and saddle, but I don't know the meaning in context.

Best Answer

From a practical perspective, this is a very odd saying. As far as I know, no one who handles a horse properly would saddle it one day and not ride it until one or more days later. In fact the expression sounds like some sort of oblique criticism of a badly run organization: "At this dang outfit, we don't ride the same day we saddle."

A Google search turns up three similar instances of the phrase. From the Down Range TV Forum, in response to a listener's request for information about a radio show giveaway:

The giveaway was decided on yesterday afternoon and we're hammering on the details now.

We try to ride the same day we saddle the horse. ;D

From Cowboy Action Radio, in response to a question about when more podcasts would become available:

Well, that question was posted in May, so you might say we don't ride the same day we saddle our horses. :)

And this intriguing entry from a blogger with the online name Kafox:

"Doesn't ride the same day he saddles" (as the Norwegians say) could describe me. As some folks would say, I had a frog to eat. The idea of eating a frog is repulsive (not talking about legs prepared by some French chef here), so tasks that seem difficult or distasteful are like the idea of eating a frog, and therefore constantly put off.

From these examples, I conclude that the phrase "We don't ride the same day we saddle" is probably an idiom (whether originally from Norway or from the U.S. West) that signifies "We don't do things in a timely fashion."

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