Learn English – What are “legacy brands”


Does the phrase "Legacy brands" just mean "companies that are inherited from generation to generation" or there is another particular meaning?

Here is the context: The writer is wanting to know what other companies use for email responses – do they use a auto-reply or a personal reply?

The first thing to do was decide which companies to send these out to. This was probably the most subjective part of the experiment. One hundred companies seems like a lot until you start considering the many thousands of potential companies to pick from.

I knew we wanted a lot of SaaS companies and a good mix of technology startups. I also wanted a range of small, medium, and large sized organizations. But just for good measure, some non-tech and legacy brands could be interesting. A lot these companies have been thinking about customer service for generations. I added a few hardware companies, some airlines.

Wikipedia showed this result https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brand_legacy But I don't think it's appliable to my case.

Best Answer

In computing, Legacy implies a different meaning

Denoting or relating to software or hardware that has been superseded but is difficult to replace because of its wide use.


Therefore, the author of the linked blogpost had decided to include even brands that have been replaced by newer brands but still continue to be used widely. I read the article and I couldn't make out what legacy brands did the author choose for his experiment.

To make it clear, Windows XP could be considered a legacy brand owing to its widespread use even after the launch of subsequent versions (like Windows 8 or Windows 10)

On the other hand, brand legacy is a different entity. It's the popularity , trust and impact created by a brand on the consumers. Let's consider Apple Inc. Apple is not a legacy brand (not superseded by competitors or other vendors, yet) but their brand legacy (sometimes also known as "brand value" ) is unparalleled in the entire hardware and software industries combined.

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