Learn English – What did Kate mean when she said: “(….)? Or did Big Pussy and Meadow miss you too much?”


In the 2014 film “The Other Woman”, there is an exchange between several characters

Phil: Who's this?

Carmela: I'm Carmela, Kate's decorator.

Phil: Oh. Really? When did you fire Joel?

Kate: Joel? No, I didn't. No, he's, um… She's doing all of the stuff in the… on the feng shui in the house. Remember? Um, we met in Hong Kong… I told you…

Carmela: Yeah, we bonded over dim sum and spatial reasoning.

Phil: Two of my favorite things.

Carmela: That's so smart and funny. That's really witty.

Kate: Ha-ha. That's funny. So, um, this is my brother. Remember? – And he's a contractor.
– Oh, a contractor. Oh.
He's gonna go look at the office while you go…

Phil: Unless you want to stay… I mean, you could help me check things out.

Carmela: I would love to, actually, but it's kind of a tricky project. And I don't want to complicate things, so… But it was really nice meeting you, so…

Phil: Yeah, you, too. I hope I see you again soon.

Kate: Carmela? Really? Did you and Tony have fun living in Hong Kong? Or did Big Pussy and Meadow miss you too much?

Carmela: You know what? You're gonna thank me for using a fake name. You don't want Phil mentioning to Mark about your new friend Carly, do you? No, you don't, so you are welcome.

What did Kate mean?

Please note: English is not my native language, so the simpler and clearer you can make your explanation, the better

Best Answer

It's a reference to the show "The Sopranos." She means that the name "Carmela" makes her friend sound like a member of a New Jersey mafia family. "Big Pussy" and "Meadow" are also names of characters from the same show. The reason for the joke is that the name "Carmela" is relatively unusual and most people would know it primarily from the show.