Learn English – What do we call a person who sells potable water


enter image description hereBack in the days in the Middle East, people use to get their drinking water from certain type of street vendors. Those vendors knew certain spots in rivers, where water is clean; they fill a big leather backpack and wander the streets selling water to customers. What can we call such vendors? Is there an English term?

Best Answer

"Water seller."

Googling that term takes me to

  1. Different ways that the title The Water-Seller of Seville is translated into English: "Water-Seller"; "Waterseller"; "Water Seller."
  2. Bilingual dictionaries. The Spanish aguador is translated "water seller."
  3. Google Translate. Translating into Japanese or Urdu and back gets me "water sellers"; into Arabic and back gets me "water vendors"; into Amharic and back gets me "water seller" again.

I'd say the votes are in.