Learn English – What do you call someone moving arms and legs around much


I'm trying to find a word or short description for someone who…

  • …May well wave their arms and legs around, but not in a clumsy, clowny way, not randomly, not without a purpose.
  • …Is not afraid of getting attention from physical expressions, but may not actively seek it either.
  • …Generally likes to move his\her body around, with no sports activities or physical tasks involved.

Some examples of the movement I'm talking about:

  • Dancing, especially without music or being the only one dancing around other people.
  • Stretching arms and legs far and wide while not alone.
  • Literally jumping around for being in a good mood (I'm talking about grown ups)
  • Likes to use the whole body to impersonate something or someone, when explaining or telling a story.

These people are usually extroverts, but 'extrovert' has way too broad meaning.

Best Answer


full of movement and activity

or (although it's not as broadly usable as animated)


one who gesticulates, where gesticulate means

To say or express by gestures.