Learn English – What do you call someone who makes a request


I'm designing a software to receive requests from users. In my request detail window, I have a field called "Requested By" to store the name of the person who made the request. However, "Requested By" is very hard to use in a message such as:

"Do you really want to send an email to the requested by?"

I'm looking for a noun to replace "requested by". So, my question is: What do you call someone who makes a request?

The requester, the initiator…

I have already rejected "Applicant" because in my case the user is not applying; he is requesting.

Best Answer

I would go with "requestor" because they are making a request.

Other phrases used for similar concepts in some of the various software tools installed on my workstation: "originator" (but it applies generally, in a system that has more than just "requests"), "creator", "initiator".