Learn English – What do you call words such as “the, an, a, to, and”


I am looking to identify list of words that I can add to my search algorithm for a database.

I would like to know if there is a list of words that I can identify that serve little purpose. I would like to search a database for exact matches without the use of certain words. For example, the, an, a, to, and. I am not sure what you call these type of words.

Best Answer

According to the ones you shared in your example:

  • the, an,a = articles.
  • and = additive coordinating conjunction.
  • to = preposition.

I guess you could use just "Common Words" or "Stop Words", that's usually among the technical jargons that are stated while reading about indexing operations in Search Engines.

e.g., http://lucene.apache.org/core/3_0_3/api/core/org/apache/lucene/analysis/package-summary.html#Tokenization
