Learn English – What does “amletic” mean


Today I encountered this question on StackOverflow and saw the word amletic, which I've never come across before (as a native speaker).

…and I have an amletic doubt about one thing.

I looked it up and it doesn't appear in any dictionary that I can find. However, it does have a respectable number of hits on Google, all with a similar usage as in the original question (in doubt, question, or otherwise asking advice):

Is this just some bizarre case of a perfectly cromulent word that somehow grew out of nothing?

Best Answer

I think it is a wrong translation of Hamletic.


  • Di Amleto, proprio di Amleto, personaggio dell’omonima tragedia di Shakespeare, con riferimento al suo carattere irresoluto e pieno di contrasti.

  • (Hamlet (- Of Hamlet), the character of Shakespeare's tragedy, with reference to his character irresolute and full of contrasts.)

Source: www.treccani.it

As a side note; it is curious how the adjectival use of Hamlet is used more in Italy than in the English speaking world.

Ngram - Hamletic

Ngram - amletico

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