Learn English – What does “and are they ever ” mean


So this is the context taken from this post by Jeff who is a co-founder of Stack Exchange:

With 46,656 paths to only 720 real world outputs, it's inevitable that
some of those paths will be severely over-represented or
under-represented in the output. And are they ever. If you shipped a
real card game with a naïve shuffle, you'd have some serious exploits
to deal with.

What does And are they ever mean ?

Best Answer

"And are they ever" means that they are to a very high degree. It is emphasising or intensifying the previous statement.

It is similar to saying that the over-represented paths are really really over represented and the under-represented paths are really really under-represented.

A simpler example would be:

Given the pitch conditions, the players should be covered in mud. And are they ever!

So the players are caked in mud up to their eyeballs.

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