Learn English – What does “Backing forward or backing back” in Hillary Rodham Clinton’s comment mean


I found the phrase backing forward or backing back in Secretary State Hillary Clinton’s remark on the Sunday Show, which was quoted in today’s Washington Post as follows.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton continued making the rounds on the Sunday shows to discuss the fast-evolving situation in Egypt. "This is a complex, very difficult situation," said Clinton, "We do not want to send any message about backing forward or backing back."

What does backing forward or backing back mean? Does it mean keep positive support to Mubarak regime or Withdraw support to Mubarak regime, or simply mean move back and fro, or move back further on U.S. policy toward Egypt?

Best Answer

I think you are right; it refers to American support either for Mubarak or his opposition. Her phrasing is a bit odd, but I'd interpret it like this:

  • backing = supporting
  • back = those who want to go back to the old situation, Mubarak in power
  • forward = those who want to go forward to a new government

"We do not want to send any message [to either party] about [our] supporting those who want change or those who want to go back to the way things were."