Learn English – What does “buggy” mean in “a hot, buggy August morning”


While reading a short story, I came across a use of the word "buggy" that I'm not familiar with:

It’s a hot, buggy August morning, too early for lunch, so we find a deserted picnic table without much problem.

I found two definitions of buggy (Dictionary.com):

  1. infested with bugs.
  2. Slang. crazy; insane; peculiar.

To me, neither makes sense in this context. Why would anyone call a morning "buggy"? So I though maybe I'm missing something here. So my questions are:

  1. If it means one of the above, is it in a good sense or a bad sense. Does the sounds of bugs make it a lively morning or an annoying one, etc. Is it a lovely morning or a gloomy one?
  2. If it means/implies something else, how would you describe it?

Best Answer

The meaning infested with bugs applies. The whole phrase indicates that there were many bugs that morning (typical for many areas of the US in August).