Learn English – What does “Eat our peas” mean – where does it come from


In a recent speech about the national debt, Obama said it's time to "Eat our peas".

What does it mean – where does it come from?

Best Answer

The phrase "eat our peas" is not, as far as I know, a historical metaphor. However, according to the context given by CBS, President Obama was telling the nation that they had to buckle down and do what might hurt but would be good for them.

To add further context and explanation, the sentence also referred to "pulling off the Band-Aid". When you need to take off a Band-Aid, you have to rip it off in order to get it over with. The president was saying the same thing twice.

Edit: There is more discussion of this metaphor here, as it is not a usually accepted metaphor. The author writes,

I take it that the pea-eating metaphor is intended to indicate that all sides must take an unpleasant political hit to settle the debt issue. They won't like it, but it'll be good for them.