Learn English – What does “I like girls just fine” mean


I watched a movie about a boy — and someone asks him:

— You don't like girls, do you Nathan? (Edit: with a smirk)
— I like them just fine.

I confused with 'just fine'. What does it mean exactly? Please give some examples that contain 'just fine' to make it clear.

Best Answer

It means the same thing as "I like girls." The connotation is slightly different and the reason for including "just fine" is to counter the accusation that Nathan does not like girls.

An example in a different area:

Would you like some tea?

Tea would be just fine. / I like tea just fine.

The expression is used as a basic or stoic acceptance or acknowledgement. Other words with similar usage is "okay" or "alright". Each carry their own typical uses and connotations but the gist is there. A wordier way to say it:

I like girls as much as the next guy.

Notes: I was interrupted while answering so there are more than the typical amount of edits. I apologize for any confusion.