Learn English – What does it mean when someone say “you have attitude”


I've heard many people say

He/she has attitude

What they really mean is that the person has ego or something like that.
I googled and find this Yahoo answer, which also suggest the same.

Are they correct in saying that?

Best Answer


  • a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways; "he had the attitude that work was fun"

To have an attitude is a little difficult to define. It is generally used to mean that you behave somewhat arrogantly or disrespectfully.

Do you have an attitude?

When we hear that question we generally think of someone with a negative outlook on a particular topic, thing or person. This is witnessed all the time. “She has an attitude” you’ve heard someone say, generally meaning that the person is negative or disagreeable or just has a bad outlook on life.

But what about the other side of an attitude, the positive side that moves you in the right direction?