Learn English – What does “off the top” mean in this context


I was reading a Design Patterns in Java programming book and came across a new phrase. I'm wondering what does off the top mean in this particular context.

Excerpt from the book:

Keep Learning

Somehow, you had the opportunity, drive, and ambition to acquire and
read this book. All we can say is, "Keep it up!" Decide how many hours
a week you want to spend on your career. Take 5 hours off the top and
pay yourself first
. Spend that time away from the office, reading
books and magazines or writing software related to any topic that
interests you. Make this practice as regular as your office hours.

I've heard of the idiom – off the top of your head. But what does off the top exactly mean in this context?

Best Answer

"off the top" in general and here means the first 5 hours

In "off the top of my head" it means the first idea that came into my mind. Similar principle