Learn English – What does “praise from Caesar” mean


What does the phrase "praise from Caesar" mean and where does it come from?

Best Answer

The full phrase is usually "Praise from Caesar is praise indeed".

The earliest I can find for the full phrase is 1903's The Smart Set: a Magazine of Cleverness, Volume 9:

oh but the champagne

The earliest I can find for the shorter phrase is 1876's Archaeologia Cantiana, Volume 10:

enter image description here

It is something to win praise from Caesar, and to have that praise echoed by Shakespeare, but if we may say amicus Caesar we must, as a scientific body, proclaim magis arnica Veritas, and confess that we have no trace of Caesar's ...

The next is closer to our phrase's meaning, from 1889's New Englander and Yale review: Volume 50:

enter image description here

This is the highest praise, and praise from Caesar, with no note of insularity.

It possibly originates from Horace's Satires 2.1.84 (30BC): iudice laudatus Caesare: "praised by such a judge as Caesar" but it may be coincidental.
