Learn English – What does the phrase “made the hair” generally imply


I recently came across a woman who was exclaiming that she had just "made her hair" after her boyfriend pulled her hair-band off. I have never really heard of this phrase before, hence the question: does it mean the same as "do my hair"? How common an expression is it?

Best Answer

To "make" one's hair basically means to prepare and style it in a way one sees as favorable or normal. I'd say it's far more common for women to say it (never heard a man say it) because of the simple fact that their hair tends to be longer and require more time and effort to shape it as desired (so in your example, the woman might have been referring to having to gather her hair together into a pony-tail and twist the hair-band back around and in place). Men with long hair might have to do the same, but I doubt they'd use the phrase "make my hair" because of how it's more commonly said by women, and thus has a feminine association.