Learn English – What does the slang word “can” mean


What does the slang word can mean in the following sentences:

  • Hey guys, do you know where the can is around here?

  • I can't make make it to the phone; tell them I am in the can.

  • Finally, our planning is in the can and we can begin construction tomorrow.

After googling for an hour, I found out that the word "can" is used for toilet.

From the first 2 sentences above, I understand that a stranger in a new place was trying to find out where the toilet was, and then he went inside the toilet.

The 3rd sentence is a little confusing to me.

What was someone trying to say in the last sentence?

Best Answer

The first two mean toilet or bathroom.

The noun can also means

a metal or plastic container for holding film on cores or reels.

When filming is finished, the film will be put into the can. Therefore, in the can means completed.


In the can:

Completed, as in about a hundred pages of her next book are in the can. This usage originated in filmmaking to describe a completed motion picture, when film was literally put into a can or canister. [Slang; c. 1930]

[The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms]

Your example:

Finally, our planning is completed and we can begin construction tomorrow.

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