Learn English – What does this quote/excerpt mean


I read the following lines somewhere on the Web:

If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained, you will suffer defeat.

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

After reading those lines five times, I still don't understand what the writer is exactly trying to say here. Could someone please explain the meaning of these lines in simple words?

Best Answer

If you know yourself, but do not know the enemy, you will lose (at least) as often as you will win. You will win (at most) 50 battles out of 100. However, if you know both yourself and the enemy, you will win many more battles, perhaps all 100 out of 100, so you shouldn't be afraid to fight them.

In short: if you know your enemy, don't be afraid to fight; if you don't know your enemy, be warned that you might lose. Even shorter: know your enemy.

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