Learn English – What does “to look by” mean


According to an article I read, the following sentences are roughly synonymous:

  1. He looked by the building.
  2. He looked past the building.

I don't know what look by and look past mean. I found a dictionary says that to look past means to “look at the (back)side of something”. Is that dictionary right?

Anyway, I would please like to know what look by and look past mean.

Best Answer

Look past means look at a point beyond. You might

Look past the building at the shop down the street or, figuratively,
Look past his opinions to his actions.

I don't know on what authority your article suggests that look by is a synonymous with look past. I have never encountered that idiom. The only sense I can immediately make of look by is look at a point next to:

Look by the building for an alley running north.
*Look by the computer and you'll find a notebook.

By here is simply a preposition, heading a prepositional phrase of direction. Look past is probably to be parsed similarly, but it "feels" a bit more like a phrasal verb, perhaps because it is used figuratively as well as literally.

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