Learn English – What does walking on wet pavement sound like


I've had the word 'clicking' down for a while, but it truly doesn't capture what I'm trying to express. I have a very distinct sound in my head, but I just can't find the right word. I would just leave it and move on, but it's bugging me to the point that I can no longer push it aside. Can someone help?
(Clarification: the character is walking in non-athletic, typical teenager sneakers; not boots, or heels, or anything that would make a clicking sound.)

Best Answer

squelch [ODOL]

[no object]
1 Make a soft sucking sound such as that made by treading heavily through mud.
‘bedraggled guests squelched across the lawns’


'… I swear as I was walking about in Williton today I could almost feel the pavement squelching underfoot, as if the water has crept up and is laying directly underneath.’

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