Learn English – What (if any) is the distinction between “verisimilitudinous” and “verisimilar”


I was translating some Spanish and found myself wanting a word for "possessing verisimilitude". My first thought was "verisimilitudinous", but some research revealed that "verisimilar" is also a word. The dictionaries I've checked don't seem clear on any distinction between the two (or between "verisimilitude" and "verisimilarity").

Wiktionary defines "verisimilitudinous" as "appearing to be verisimilar; exhibiting verisimilitude, in either a neutral or a dubious sense" and "verisimilar" as "Appearing to be true or real; probable; likely" (i.e. exhibiting verisimilitude). Merriam-Webster online defines "verisimilar" as "having the appearance of truth" and redirects "verisimilitudinous" to "verisimilitude", which is defined using "verisimilar".

Is there a difference between them?

Best Answer

On the distinction between between verisimilitude and verisimilarity. Univ.Houston

Oxford English Dictionary: [from Latin: "like truth"]

verisimilar verisimilarity: Having the appearance or semblance of truth or reality; appearing true or real; possible.

ie possible!


verisimilitude: The fact or quality of being verisimilar; the appearance of being true or real; likeness or resemblance to truth, reality, or fact; probability.

ie probable!

I was taught to use 'very similar', avoiding the use of verisimilar so as to not sound like i knew a comparison to be fact based. In fact one reference says of verisimilar-arity: it's not a english word. 'Verisimilitude' lends more ... similitude! More fact and/orreality based than the casual very similar.

As in:

The comparison of the two seemed to be very similar ... The comparison of the two revealed a distinct verisimilitude.